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Kaveh's Blog logo

Personal blog

Kaveh Tehrani


Growing list of independent projects done over the years

Firinne Capital

Firinne Capital

Firinne Capital is a digital assets hedge fund where I used to work as a co-founder and head of research. We wanted something simple and fast, with the ability to update for non-technical people on the team.

Built with:Squarespace
Personal Blog

Personal Blog

The blog you are reading right now!

Built with:TypeScript,Next.js,Tailwind CSS,Umami
Ethereum Staking

Ethereum Staking

Consulting project in anticipation of Ethereum's transition to proof of stake in late 2021. Commissioned in May 2021 as part of a hedge fund pitch in offering staking as a service.

Hacker News - Saved You A Click!

Hacker News - Saved You A Click!

A learning project in developing browser extensions. On Hacker News pages it adds a link to open both the article link and comments page, saving a click. Tabs open by default in the background but this can be toggled.

Built with:JavaScript
One-Click Image Saver

One-Click Image Saver

Save any image in your browser with one click via shortcut or contextual menu.

Built with:JavaScript
New Tab URL

New Tab URL

Customize default URL for new tabs in Chrome.

Built with:JavaScript
Send to

Send to

Convenience extension to send pages to

Built with:JavaScript
Traffic Signal

Traffic Signal

My very first web app! Traffic control for shared spaces. Wrote this during pandemic lockdown to coordinate with my roommates when it's OK to enter their space, especially people who are working in areas without a door such as the living room. Nothing special but it helped greatly in learning basics of interactive web design.

Built with:JavaScript,Node.js,Express,MongoDB